Websites Vs. Web Apps: A Beginner's Guide

Chime Emmanuel Chime Emmanuel
Category: Programming
15th July 2024

Websites Vs. Web Apps: A Beginner's Guide

It beats my imagination when someone says to me "I need a Web App" but when you dig further into the Web App functionality requirement, you will notice that all the client needs is a website. The internet is full of amazing things, but two terms often get confused: websites and web applications (web apps). Both are accessed through a web browser, but they serve different purposes. Let's break it down for newbies!

Websites: Your Digital Brochure

Imagine a website as a digital brochure. It displays information like text, images, and videos. It's a one-way street: you can view the content, but you can't really change it. Think of a company website showcasing its products or a restaurant menu online - informative, but not interactive. Websites are generally easier to build and maintain.

Web Apps: Interactive Tools on the Web

Web apps are like mini-programs you access through your browser. They're all about action! You can create, edit, and manipulate data. Think of online banking, social media platforms, or even games you play on the web. These require logins and allow you to interact and complete tasks. Web apps are more complex to build but offer a richer user experience.

Need to showcase your portfolio or provide company info? A website is perfect. But a web app is the way to go if you want to build an interactive tool or online service.

Now you can impress your friends with your newfound knowledge of websites and web apps! 😉