Health And Wellness In The Workplace

Chimdimma Nwobu Chimdimma Nwobu
Category: Health
17th July 2024

Health And Wellness In The Workplace

An employee’s health and wellness is the state of their physical and mental health, inside and outside of the workplace. It considers any medical and behavioral conditions or habits, as well as energy, mood, and motivation levels. If an employee’s health or wellness suffers, it affects their performance and can also harm their team, organization, and personal lives. Because of that, supporting employees through a lens of workplace wellness is invaluable.

A healthy employee tends to have steady levels of energy, proactive behaviors, higher productivity and focus, and a positive disposition that improves comfort levels in the workplace. However, because it’s not always obvious who is and isn’t healthy, employers should make efforts to engage with their workers and understand how to best improve their workplace experience.

How to Promote Wellness in the Workplace
The first step to meaningful wellness practices is to be aware that wellness is a moving goalpost and means different things to different people. As such, it’s
important to employ a variety of tactics to ensure everyone is encouraged and supported in improving their health and overall well-being.

Wellness Tips For Employees
There’s nothing like feeling good, energetic, and at the top of your game in and out of the office. While not every day will be as perfect, you can strive to create a healthy
lifestyle that benefits your body and your work and personal life.
• Check out the following tips that can help you accomplish small yet significant
wellness goals:
• Declutter your desk by placing things back where they belong and rearranging
office essentials in storage trays, holders, or bins.
• Set an alarm on your watch or phone to go off every 60 minutes. When it
does, get up and stretch, walk around, and drink water.
• Invite co-workers for a group fitness program as a fun way to blow off steam
after working hours.
• Prepare nutritious home-cooked meals in advance for the week instead of
relying on canteen food and takeout.
• Sit on a yoga ball while working instead of a chair to improve your posture,
stability, and core strength.
• Get plants for your cubicle to create a space of zen and comfort while you
• Take a power nap in the second half of the day, preferably a little after lunch
when energy levels tend to dip